Most people In the world believe in an unseen higher power. Some tribes believe the higher powers are their dead ancestors. Some people believe that a higher power is a dead human. Others believe a higher power is some artefact. Most people believe in some sort of higher power is directing their lives. Some people believe higher powers are but nonsense. But for the majority of people, they believe there is some sort of higher power ruling our lives. And if we do not conform to the higher power, there is some sort of eternal payment; usually, not being with that higher power. So most religions, try to both obey, and appease, the higher power, the force, they believe in. They do this through obeying a common set of rules, and giving that power finances, in order for ministers of that belief, to continue to spread that belief. Obedience to that higher power brings rewards. Disobedience brings controlled wrath. The higher power decides who will live, die, be rich, be poor, healthy or be sick. The higher power determines both mates and prodigy. So what part does the practioner play? The practioner is required to play the part they are allocated; without question. The higher power is always right. It cannot be defeated. The people cannot be left alone. Those outside of the belief system are lost. And even though they do not believe in the higher power, they are playing the role that they were allocated, that is, a non believer. So from both in and outside of the belief system, we see complete control. This complete control, is presented as a choice. A choice to choose what has been allocated for you to choose. The practioners agree, to abide by the rules, of the events as laid out, by the creator. Some are dealt good hands. Some are not. But all agree to the introductory rules, hence there is no tolerance of non conformity. God made the world. He chose you. You are born. He planned your life. You die. The prize is you continue in an upscale version .can you add verses to these?
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