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Numbers 15: 30 is a verse that is really quite frightening. For me, each and every person is caught by this verse. And the punishment is separation from God. It is a verse, in which two major words stand out; defiantly and blasphemes. Defiantly means defiantly, brazenly against the LORD’s will, presumptuously; all these basically mean that when a person commits a sin, knowing it is wrong, knowing it deserves punishment, knowing it is against all God stands for, and that Christians stand for; when we continue to sin, and we say “ I must”, “ I can’t help it, but I know it’s wrong”, that sin is seen as sinning defiantly against God- like saying “ I am going to sin anyway, “ so I am ready for what comes” … that way of sinning, is seen here as blasphemy against the LORD. When we think of blasphemy, we usually go to Lev 24: 11- a curse of the LORD’s NAME and the punishment is death. We may also go to Lk 12: 10, rejecting the conviction of God’s Spirit- and often we see this in not wanting to come to salvation, but rejecting the call of Jesus on our hearts. And these are all true. Yet, the meaning of Num 15: 30 is so broad, it encapsulates each and every wrong-doing, that we commit; and instantly, and literally condemns us to death; physically and spiritually. As according to this verse, there are very few sins, we DO NOT commit defiantly. Perhaps we can sum those up as Num 15:22 or Lev 4:2 – sins we do not know we committed. And yet, that’s not very many also- issue being, we have a conscience that speaks to us loud and clear. So, no doubt, without understanding or even realising, when we sin, because we have the Spirit of God, we know when we sin, we are sinning. And that is blasphemy. It reminds me of what Paul shouted out- Rom 7:24 what a wretched man I am. We are through and through wrong, sinful, disobedient- literally impossible to be good- yet in all the impossibility of keeping this command; God provides a way out- 1 John 1:8-9 – repentance. Repent from always stubbornly sinning. We know it’s a sin. But we are not so aware a defiant sin is actually blasphemy. This means sin after sin after sin we deserve both types of death. Yet, repentance after repentance after repentance assures us of God’s love, forgiveness and mercy. It’s a warning: do not sin defiantly- but if you do you should repentant before you do in a state of non-repentance of your defiance.

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3 Adar II 5782

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