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Born in Zion…..

Let us start by understanding nothing happens in abstract Ecc 1: 9 there is nothing new under the sun. So, when we read something, we think that it is the only place where we can read this, or get the gist of it; not true. The same thing is said many times in the Bible, but it's in different ways; You just have to find them. John 3: 3 Classic translation, ‘you must be born again’. But does it accurately reflect the meaning of what Jesus meant? The alternate translation at the bottom of the page, is clearly reflected in other Scriptures- must be born from above. What is above? Heaven. What is in heaven? Psalm 87:4, 6 a record and a register. So, in heaven, is a register, of who is born from above, Zion (heavenly Zion) Ps 87: 2, 5. And it is clear, you must not only be born Ps 87: 5, but you must be born IN HER. Who is her? Zion. Heaven. Who is that in Gal 4: 26- her, mother of believers, is Jerusalem. Above. Heaven. And who is born in heaven- and here is the “shock” so to say-Born in her, Zion, Heavenly Jerusalem, from above, is Rahab, Babylon, Philistia, Tyre and Cush. If you know your Biblical history, that means the worst of the possible worse, are recorded verse 4 in the Register (verse 6) as belonging to the LORD and born in heaven. So, spiritual birth, for pagans, is not a new or isolated thing to John 3: 3. It simply means to be understood as born from above. And of course there is a register. We are familiar with Rev 20: 15 where it is clearly stated that if you are not having your name registered, in the register, the book of life, you will go to the Lake of Fire. How early? Moses, was upset; angry, and told God, if you do not do this, blot my name out of your book Ex 32: 32. And God replied, I will do the blotting Ex 32: 33. Some from the beginning (exodus) to the end (revelation) and in between, Psalms and John, there was always required a spiritual birth, which is proven by being listed in heaven’s book (at least one of them). And that is really amazing that in Jeremiah, he is talking exactly the opposite as Moses Jer 18: 23 do not blot out their sin, but destroy them LORD. Through all of this we can see the consistency of God. Sinners can get to heaven, but they must have their sins blotted out, and then their names recorded in the book of heaven. Someone asked me, do you have to register to be a member of MCC? No piece of paper, or church piece of paper, will ever get you to heaven. If your name is not in God’s book, but it is in a church membership book, what a waste. You have depended on a church to save you.

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