How do we know if we have grown in our Christian walk? It is a very personal and reflective question. We could ask other people; we could ask them, how do you see I handle situations today and years ago? That’s one way of knowing if we have grown. The changes that others see in us. Maybe years ago we quickly got jealous, where as now, we are grateful that others have a certain blessing of character we do not have. We could ask ourselves; have I grown in how I handle touchy situations? And we could say “yes". But then Jer 17: 9 tells us that what we think of our own positive growth, may in fact not be true. We should be able to assess ourselves, with an honest mind. If we grow in certain areas of nature and character, then praise God. But if we have not, why not? I see people, who barely talk to me; barely look at me, and I wonder, why are you here? Some may be here due to a girl, or a man, or a family. But is that right? Should you be in a church, where you struggle to be with certain people?; the pastor; a particular church member? I mean, why torture yourself week after week? Why not be free and be at a church where you love the pastor, and where you love one another. Did you ever think, maybe others would be happy to be free from your bad attitude, week after week? Me, I could never go to church week after week and be miserable. So, have you changed? Sometimes we really can work on our mannerisms, or behaviour, our fitting in. Other times, if the struggle is so great, for the benefit of your growth, go to where you have peace and joy in worship. Why sit through a sermon, and be all negative on the inside. “Oh, here he goes again”. Release yourself. Its only common sense. After all, you are not growing. You are just playing religion. I could never do that. Never. I recently had to correct someone, some people. Again. And not the 1st or 2nd or 3rd time. People are given a task. And they are so narrow minded, that they just cant see anything else. They have tunnel vision. They cannot see outside the box. And these are potential leaders. But they can see their own task only, and do not care if or how they link in with the whole. How can you grow in life, in character, when all you see is your little part, your little world, and you say….oh..I wasn’t given that to do. No growth. No seeing the whole picture. Just focussed on one little thing. I recently asked someone, cant you see this is to be done? And then I said; either you have no brain, or you have no capacity to use it or you are asleep or you are lazy. And then I asked…”which one”? Sorry was the reply. I said I do not need your sorry, I need you to think. You see, Christian growth, is about seeing many things, as many as possible, in each and every aspect. You could call that leadership material. But some people are just stuck in their own cosmos. Their world is their world, and they do not want to change; either in their matters of handling situations, or taking up more responsibilities. Understanding ourselves, what we want out of life, how we want to progress in life, are very important things to reflect on. Heb 5:12 should really be teachers, but still pouting.