People are all paranoid about the corona virus. Why? They do not want to die. So different to what Paul said ‘to be absent from the body is to be present with the LORD." People have an intrinsic fear of death as they do not know where they are going. Believers do know. They are going to be with the LORD, 2 Cor 5: 8. No fear of corona here. We know that it is written when, and how, and what age we will be when we die. All this was written before we were born, Job 14:5 and Ps 139:16. So, God has decreed already, if you will die because of corona virus or not. Or a heart attack or cancer. And you will not and cannot change it. The question is not what you will die from; that is set. The question is; are you clean, Lev 15: 31? And the deeper question is, what happens when you die in your uncleanness? The commands around the clean/unclean aspects of living were to reflect their relationship with God. It reflected a far deeper spiritual truth, than just mere physical hygiene. While physical hygiene was necessary and required, it pointed more to what was to become clearer later, spiritual cleanliness. But in no way should the saying “cleanliness is next to Godliness” be a yardstick for entry into heaven. In fact Jesus clearly denounced such thought- clean on the outside, is just a cover up for the filth inside. Mth. 23:27. Hypocrites. The Israelites had to be taught, as do Christians have to be taught, Ezek 44:23. Paul states clearly to come out from the unclean. Do not participate with uncleanness, spiritual uncleanness. 2 Cor 6:17 touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you. Meaning? You will go to heaven. It cannot be clearer. Unclean people are not received into heaven; meaning they go to eternal punishment. To be defiled, means to have been cleaned, yet become unclean again. Being defiled, is clear - to fail to obtain the grace of God, Heb 12:14-15; holiness and defiled. Being defiled, unclean is to have been sanctified, but then turned back to the world Heb 10:29. In Mth 12:43-45 it is clear that a person has been cleansed. And when they return to the world, they are worse than they ever were. It is clear, being uncleaned, defiled, dirty, at death - has nothing to do with the corona virus, or any human disease we all die from. It is to do with the state of your spirit before God. This determines whether we go to heaven or not. Keeping physically clean for some is very, very difficult. Many people have poor physical hygiene. So if they die due to poor hygiene, it is not a surprise. Whatever the disease. But if we die in an unclean state, due to our decisions not to be clean, or to invite back uncleanliness, we are worse off than ever. I think THE - or A - delusion of Christianity is that God will save us before we die, if we walked away from him. Yet it is clear, YHWH said you will die in your sin. And that, not just physical, but eternal separation from God. The choices are ours.