We seem to go forwards in doing something, we put a lot of time and effort into that task. The larger the task, the more the effort. And then come along more and more requirements. We put in more time; more money, into achieving our goal. Then more laws. More requirements. More expenditure. Then we come to a point, there are just a mass of rules. They burden us with rules. And we have spent thousands of pesos. Then, they add more rules/expenses. And we then ask ourselves; is this worth all the effort? Is this worth all the expenses? Why are they making more rules, more costs? Is it enough? Haven’t we done enough? Of course, humanly I am talking of MCLC trying to get approval for face to face soon. But spiritually it is a different story. Spiritually, we come to Christ, and everything is really fairly, well, easy. We are happy, joyful, on fire, enthusiastic. We may get a complaint or two, but all is really quite rosy. Then, the hard grind starts. More problems than expected from family or friends. Then a few challenges of don’t drink, don’t gamble. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. The Christian walk gets a bit harder. Then don’t swear, don’t lie. You must stop doing this or going there. Then the walls of the world start to seem very big and very strong. They seem to squeeze us. The more we learn, study, hear of God’s word, the more we start to remember and memorise it. And then, at a very awkward or uncomfortable time, they start to really dig into our heart and conscience. The Christian walk gets narrower (surprise Mth 7: 14). The dark times seem more often (Ps 23:4) and on top of this the problems seem to come more often. And at some point, we say- John 6: 60. Not just the Christian side, but also having to meet some many requirements, some really ridiculous, for MCLC to have face to face classes. These are too hard. There are too many rules. Who can accept this? Then the ultimate question John 6:67- do you want to stop trying to get a permit to start face to face? Do you want to stop, and pull out like others? Well, after you put so much effort into something, either the permit, or your Christian walk, why o why would you stop now? Why should we throw away all we worked for? Why just make all the pain, suffering, emotion, expense, seem as for nothing? No. We will not give up John 6: 68. We came this far in MCLC and we have come this far in our walk with Christ. Why give up? Why give up walking with Jesus? Yes, I am like you; the temptations are so powerful, the urges to do wrong so strong (wait till you get to my 24). No time left. I give up. I get what I want. Oh!! The fight. No!. I strain ahead for the prize, Phil 3: 13. I go for face to face. I set aside with great pain, looking to the left and right even though it screams at me. I press on, forward, to the goal. Let us not weary of the fight, in the fight, even though it is difficult. Christ is with us.
MCC Admin
26 Adar I 5782