Drip, drip, drip. A bucket next to my desk, inches from my PC- how to concentrate on a SNL? Of course, a drippy SNL. Torturously, slow, incessant dripping. Enough to drive anyone insane. So, what is it that, we do again, and again, and again, and again, that drives us bonkers? Repeating the same thing, again, and again, and again…oh this drip!. What drives me bonkers, is repeating instructions. Again and again and again. It is like hoping for the sun to come out, so the dripping stops. It is like hoping someone will finally get the point, so repetition stops. I recently asked someone: Where can I buy common sense? I want to give it as a gift. Alas, I was told it can’t be bought. Pro 27: 15 is catching my feelings right now.- just like the steady rain, and the dripping. Dripping is also in Pro 19: 13; Why is dripping, especially annoying? It is the repetition of the same thing again and again. I think there is a practical application here in life. Let me find it- ah yes- Jer 7: 13 God speaks again and again but his people were unresponsive. Jer 11: 7 he warned again and again “obey”- but they did not listen. Jer 25: 3 again and again- but did not listen. Jer 35: 14-15 four times we have… again. Now, who is stressed? God? Jeremiah for 23 years? Sometimes it feels like you say something so many times, but it does not get through. The servants spoke again and again- this is the meaning of Mt 13: 13-14. Hearing- but do not hear. Hearing- but do not understand. In Australia when you go into hospital for a stay, you are mostly given “the drip”. That is medicine dripping into your system. In Australia, if you call someone a “drip”- I let you look it up. A drip, is a drip, because they just do not get it. Not the first or 20th time- they do not get it. Let us not be drips. Let us get things first time around. Let us be fast learners. By God’s grace, I only heard the gospel once, surrendered my life to Christ there and then. I was sharp. I got it. And am as on fire now as I was 30 years ago when I was born (albeit from above). I do not understand, how people cannot get something first, or at the most second time around. Truly, I am not a drip. I can’t take the characteristics of a drip. A drip is dense. So let us all, whether home, school, work- be sharp. It does not mean that we do understand instantly, but it does mean we should not have to hear the same things again and again. Ps 81: 13- sounds like a bit of exasperation from God’s side. Let us not be blunt drips. But let us be sharp. And as I end, it is still an incessant drip. Oh—I just realised…there is a hole in my bucket…what should I do? Be sharp.