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Impossible Task…..

Usually we ask people to do tasks, that we know that they are capable of doing. We wouldn’t ask someone to do a task we know that they cannot and will not do. Many times, we read God gives people tasks, that he knows they will fail to do. And this failure, from a human perspective is a change in the direction of a person’s life, and the history that they leave behind. Yet this very handing out of a task that a person will fail to achieve, is the exact plan of God. Why ask someone to do something they cannot do? Because their failure in their not doing it, brings the next step. Take what God did to Samuel to Saul; 1 Sam 10: 8 then 1 Sam 15: 9-10 and 1 Sam 15: 28. A given instruction that a person was always going to fail, in order for another person to step-up, David. It was always the plan; there was never ever a hope that Saul would obey God - he was not destined to obey, he was destined to disobey. There was never even a thought Eve would not sin; an impossibility for Judas not to sell Jesus out. So what is in store for you and me? What is, or is there a sin, lurking ahead, that we can never hope to step away from? And it will set us on a new course of life, that we would never have been able to avoid or stop? As time runs out, the pressure is strong. Soon, it will be impossible, but for now, it’s still possible. So, do we walk into a situation, which we can say to God - it was always your plan, I am just fulfilling it. That statement did not work too well for Judas. But Adam could live with it. What about you? We see people all the time - big talk, then a skirt comes along, and it all falls apart. But was the falling apart, actual falling apart, or was it God’s one and only plan? Was Hezekiah’s 15 year extension, an actual extension, or was it all part of the plan, which included prayer and extension? It’s a circular argument, and just loops. You can look at it from Peter’s perspective, I will be restored anyway, so go ahead. Or we can look at it from Paul’s perspective, fight the mind. Either way, we end up back to the start. Will I or wont I? If I will, I will as it is God’s plan. And if I won’t, I won’t as it is God’s plan. And it’s all true and correct. And it will all work out for good anyway, the Bible says so, as I love the LORD. So, what is my decision? What drives me to decide, skirt or no skirt? Well, humanly - no contest - I go for the skirt. Spiritually - that is really so difficult. For me, there is only ONE reason, I back off, and that is, that I do not want to ruin my testimony to others. I do not want to ruin my testimony for those that have supported me 24 years. I do not want to ruin the testimony to people who look up to me, as some sort of water-walker. I am not. But I don’t want to hurt their feelings, faith in Christ, faith in morals and ethics. It’s just too easy, to do things that make you happy, even joyful, even blissful. Enjoy the pleasure of sin, for a short time? Defined as perhaps 20 to 30 years. Or fight the good fight of conscience. I was told last week, my SNL had no Scriptures in them. So, here is some homework. He who sends to me, by March 30th the MOST Scriptures in this SNL, will by no means, receive a small reward. Onwards, to testify, whilst cringing within…

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18 Adar II 5782

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