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Left Behind……..

Sometimes we cannot keep up with the changes. And it comes to a couple of basic questions: Do I want to change with the times; Are the times worth changing for; Is this LIFE as I have known it? Is this a life that I want to be a part of? Is this LIFE? Now, for someone 0-50 it’s possible to say, this is just another experience to go through; a new norm. But for someone over 50 it is not a new norm, it is a perversion of LIFE. Yes, there are always changes in life and in history. It is normal. But to stop the earth from rotating in one direction, and to start spinning it in the other direction, and say all you have known and learnt up to now is useless to us. Do it all this way. Again, for someone up to 50, it is …just another challenge…for someone over 50, it generally is seen as sheer stupidity. You cannot teach an old dog, new tricks. Why? Because the old dog is not interested in learning new tricks. He has been doing tricks, bending backwards, contorting, doing what the masters tell him all his life. And there comes a point when the person says- it is enough. Why continue to try to adjust to something you inherently do not want to adjust to? Private schools to go on line. Lessons, teachers, all etc online. Social isolation to continue. Physical eye problems to continue to deteriorate. Lack of social awareness and interaction will be a crime. Stay safe. Stay at home. Learn to hate and fear everyone as a sickness to you. Do not mingle. People are your sickness. Church ends. Who cares? I do. Social interaction ends. Who cares? I do. We must decide if this is the world that God created for us. We must make a decision when these things are no longer games, or 4 weeks or 6 weeks, but are now changing the rotation of the earth. Someone in their, great adventure. They haven’t a clue, what perversion means. It’s just a new norm. Is it? Or is it the very essence of breakdown of society? A total separation. A new World Order. Those intellectuals who run the world on computers - Citizens/ netizens; and the so called idiots, the lower class, who to the netizens are stupid people. The division is happening before our eyes; if your eyes are open. Ever so slowly it is creating a divide between people- just a real large fissure lately- a big boost, to split up Gondwanaland. In the 70’s they told us this would happen. And for all the freaks of the 70’s, it is happening. And people already doing nothing, nothing as in nothing, but too busy to even study God’s Word. Congrats Wenfritz. Most Wired to FB. Keep it going? Warnings, warnings. Big brother is watching. We were told that in the 70’s. Fools! Oh, how they are proven right. Just took 50 years to realize. Dan 7: 25 how fast the set laws are changing. Private Schools are to have laptop teachers and laptop students. Count me out. Change the set laws of meeting, interacting, socializing-change it; count me out. 2 Thess 2: 4 is the opposite that I never thought I would see. Ever. But there is a controlling person/group. Money, power authority, etc. World leaders are conned into doing what is right for the people. All serving a bigger plan against God’s people, life and society as God intended. The thing about being deceived, and being used as a puppet, is that you do not know you are deceived, and you do not know you are a puppet. Who, exactly, is pulling the strings? Conspiracy theory? I would have thought so, 6 weeks ago. I no longer think so. There is a puppet master. I am a fool for Christ. Whose fool are you?

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