Have you ever heard of the expression, birds of a feather, flock together? That means, people who see things, in basically the same way, or a similar way, will hang out together, or be friends. People who have friends, must have something in common. A drinker wont hang out with a tea-totaller. There must be something in common. People may hang out in age groups, but then they try to find an even more common denominator. Intellectuals hang out with intellectuals, as they can discuss intellectual things. Biblically aware people like to discuss Biblical concepts. Likewise, people who are negative, like to hang out with negative people. They are always looking for, and finding, faults of others. Other people do not enjoy that type of negative company. They find it draining. Some people can’t help it, they just see the negative side of all. Both David and Rehoboam surrounded them selves with a “different” type of person. 1 Sam 22:2. And David turned these men into a fighting force. Unlike 1 Kings 12:8 where Rehoboam got advice of his like minded friends. Both in a sense some would say were “worthless”. But the difference is, who is leading them? Some people who are always negative, with right help and guidance, and friends, can be seen to be helped. Other people, are just so negative, nothing can be done for them. Its just who they are, sadly. We have a trinity in MCC. Trinity of negativity. Can spot it a mile away. Unfortunately this can’t be escaped, in any environment, work, school, church. Always, the negatives rally together, from whom they derive mutual comfort. They agree with all the things they perceive as wrong. And yet, this is actually opposite as to what happens to magnets. Like, repel. Opposite attract. So, science and human nature do not see eye to eye. Jesus drew a group of disciples close to him. Most saw this the same way, one did not. Its as if, it must be this way, sadly. Always assess the people who we allow into our sphere of influence. As Paul writes, bad company corrupts good character. The negative will have an easier time of influencing the positive than vice versa. A little yeast spreads through the whole batch. Negativity is a magnet, it pulls people into its world. So be aware of who you allow to influence you, lead you, guide you. Look for positive people. People who can energise you. People who have it tough, but do not blame the world. A difficulty is a hurdle to pass, not an opportunity for a pity party. Look for people who can help you on your journey to change. People who don’t want you to see things differently, do not expand your world view. Let them go.