How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. How do you climb a mountain? One step at a time. How do you complete anything? Day by day. Our life I completed, one day at a time. And in that one day, we have 2 things; Mth 5: 45 – we have rain and sun. Yes, sometimes it’s all rain for a period of time, and sometimes it’s sun with no rain for a while. But the balance must be struck. Equilibrium must be restored. Ex: 23: 29-30, that is what God speaks on. The purpose of all the difficulties in life, are for Judges 3: 1-4 to test us. To see how strong we are under duress, self-inflicted or inflicted by others. It is a test to see, if we will cry out – the giants are too big for us. The land would be too desolated. If all our problems are removed at once, we would be too complacent, and then this complacency would overcome us. The opposite of complacency is to be vigilante. No enemies, no vigilance, all complacency, we would be overcome by the next trial. That is the meaning of Ex 23: 29. So, in God’s great wisdom, he showed us how we get through life – through the problems; little by little Ex 23: 30. Little by little. But not, it is not little by little we win and overcome, but rather it is little by little God removes the obstacles, so that we gain more and more strength. So that we can really start to take control of our life and emotions, as God removes our own hindrances, to ourselves, it by bit. Your failings are very clear to you. And your failings and mine cannot be removed all at once, rather one at a time. Yes, God removed all problems in Gen 6: 17 and will do in 2 Peter 3: 10. But until that time. Life is a daily struggle. Some of them real and some of them imaginary. The purpose of all struggles is to make us strong, to take the land. To make us strong, to master the wrong attitudes and behavior in our lives Gen 4: 7 – you must master it. We must learn to master our emotions; they affect others. We all have problems. But we must learn to control them. When we wear our emotions on our sleeve, they have a profound negative effect on others, and others viewpoint of you. You may be a genuinely nice person, but because of your miserable demeanour all the time, you are perceived as sourpuss. How can a sourpuss conquer the land, when they can’t even conquer their face – their emotions? Phil 3: 12-14 there are many things we have no attained, in defeating the sinfulness within, But a believer, will press on to the goal, of conquering the land, conquering the sin within. But first, you must see yourself, through the eyes of others. Don’t be a sourpuss. It smells as much as the new Chinese way of taking a swab test. Conquer yourself.
MCC Admin
18 Shevat 5781