Each and every week something happens. Always an SNL. Always emotions high and low. So, let's look at where I am now. Church moving along. School is on track. Parents owe me massive amount of funds. Car being repaired so I hired a car for a week. Bank account healthy. Wearing my MAGA hat. In my Tamiya office. Health, well at 50%. Human desires at 0% of fulfillment. Ministry abroad supportive. A headache turn of the calendar on the horizon. There are a lot of people who would like to trade with me places in life. Sun low in the horizon. Need to fulfill God's command to Adam. Just had visitors. More to come. 2024 was a tough year. I think 2025 will be heartbreak hotel. Preparing myself for that mentally. Looking back, regrets, a few, but then without them nothing would be as it is. People being baptised soon. Some just a swim. Some will leave. Back to world. Some will go forward. I see a gap in MCC leadership. No strong families. Just one. Another on the fringe but needs to step up. A dear friend about to lose. A marriage ahead. A deep loss ahead. I will reject an offer of expansion. I let the trip go. Its not mine to provide. Admin in a twirl. And life goes on. That which should be important is not. One thing for sure is God is there. I do believe. Not always agree. But do believe.
MCC Admin