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Past Actions.......

What things have you done, in the past, that affect you, and others, today? It may have just been something you did, that you thought affected just you. But now the repercussions do indeed affect others, and negatively. Sometimes I feel upset when people say"it was God's plan I made a mess of my life and bought hardship upon you". Imbecile. No one should have to suffer because of the failures of someone else. Fail? Fine. Just affect yourself. I have no problem with that. Sin? Go ahead. Sin, but don't affect me in your Sin. Affect your self all you want. But why you mess my life up because of your choices in the past. That is unfair. Delay in doing something? You don't think ahead to the hardship it would cause others. People can be so selfish in that either they have no intelligence to see the future consequences of their current action or they live in their insulated world totally oblivious to the pain they cause or will cause others. They live for the now. Their life is lived for now. I know we are all different. I know we all have different levels of faith as apportioned. I know we have different gifts of grace. I know we have different intellectual capacities. But isn't Christianity a faith that says..." I look forward. Don't want LoF, Jesus save me. So, we show, we do and can and must think forward in order to be saved from LoF. So then we all can think forward of the ramifications of our actions. We can. So why then do we make current decisions that will bring future pain? What do you think? We make decisions now, that will hurt others, based on pure selfishness. We want what we want, and couldn't care less of who we hurt. I remember just before I took off on the Auckland Harbour Bridge, at 100mph, to smash in the railings to kill myself, I remember the last action I did, was to make sure I would affect no one in my suicide. Imagine. A pagan. And concerned my action will not affect others. So a pagan can think ahead that their action would involve no one else. But Christians? Oh...they don't care about others. How their laziness or how their selfishness affects others. Couldn't care less. Sad. The kettle has boiled. The whistling has stopped

MCC Admin 12 Adar 5783

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