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Reform your Ways.....

Some people just finished assignments on the Reformation; highlighted by Luther, theologically enshrined by Calvin. Popes and the  RC church were greedy, corrupt, selling so-called salvation; deceiving people. The Reformation was a new thing. Dynamic. Yet it was not new. In Jer 7:3 THE LORD told Israel, reform your ways and your actions. This is the message for all time, for all people, all cults, all religions, everyone everywhere; reform your ways.  It is a very personal call to us all. The reward was, and I let you live in this place. Then the physical land of Israel; now it means heaven. Reform your ways is not just a call to spiritual salvation, but it is a continuous call to fight sin, to change ourselves. For many this is too hard, too hard to fight so there is a surrender to sin. For some, it is a daily living battle, to fight and not surrender. The battle? LORD, please, I am but dust. Here we see we must know who we are. We must know we are disqualified from heaven. But its in not just the mind, but it's also in the actions. The call in Jeremiah is both ways and actions. I see some people trying so hard. I see others relenting. I see some fall and die. I see others fall and get up. Our walk with God is about trying more. Failing. Falling. But getting up again. It's a call that is never ending; reform your ways. I encourage you, don't give up reforming yourself. Stay strong. Die fighting. Yes, it may mean tears and misery. You may say, why LORD?  Just don't give up. The LORD  sees you. The LORD is with you. Be strong.

MCC Admin

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