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Right way, Promise Stays……

There are 2 things going through my mind. One is a promise/agreement made for something to happen in the future and another thing on my mind “whatever”. What is really important is that you read the Scriptures. Is 28: 27-28. Then it is not me talking, but God talking to you through his word. Cummin is a plant and is used to flavor bread. Caraway is used for flavor, like parsley. You can’t prepare it as ‘whatever’. The rod for one a stick for the other. Sometimes it can really be exasperating when you tell/show people it is not as you want, but there is a simple and correct way- as you are told. There is a right way for grain, the horse and the cart. Do it the wrong way Amos 1: 3 and there is punishment. Do not do things in a “whatever” fashion in your life, your walk with Christ. It actually is asking for punishment. So people just do things without thinking, and say, well as long as it’s done, its ok. No. wrong. Things done incorrectly in our life and in others life, just cause more heartbreak and problems. There is a right way and a wrong way; pure and simple. In work, yes. In school, yes. In family, yes. But especially in relation to our walk with Christ, A right way and a wrong way. Let us stop accepting 2nd or 3rd best as ok, all good. It’s not. It is not acceptable to God, nor should it be acceptable to us. One way, the right way, as spiritually decreed by God, and humanly/physically as decreed by the person in authority. So, we get to the 2nd thing on my mind. And very much related to “whatever”. In all Biblical history, down to you and me, there are always wonderful things said and done by God. Wonderful promises. Yet each and every one, people fail to see is conditional. At any point of time, a promise, a statement for the future is made. Wow. Great. Good. But that promise is made on a current set of circumstances, continuing. If the circumstances, when the promise was made, if those circumstances change, so is the promise null and void. People don’t get this. It’s clear. It’s biblical. For you to receive a promise, the CURRENT set of circumstances must also be the same, if not better, for the promise to be continued. If the current circumstances, change negatively, then so too is the promise- ceased, ended, over. A couple of examples; 1 Kings 9: 4-9. There is a promise. There is a powerful promise. Magnificent. But it is conditional. Break the condition, and there is disaster. It is God’s total biblical way. No less with Jesus. A very simple verse. John 14: 15. If you love, you obey, you have eternal life. If you pretend, the lampstand is taken away Rev 2: 5. The very essence of a true believer, is we continue to do what we started to do, if not the same, then much better. We don’t do worse. We don’t say...well I got my promise, now I reduce my standard of output. No. That’s not our way. We increase, we do more for Christ, out of love.

MCC Admin

17 Av 5782

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