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Spreading, Spreading.....

Some things that happen, and some words that are used, take on different connotations in different cultures/generations. We have done this before; re gay, rainbow etc. Today we look at the word- spreading. It used to be spreading jam on bread. It used to be spreading cheese spread on bread. Now spreading means something different. Let us see spreading, as a term in the Bible. 1 Cor 5: 6 – a little bad behaviour spreads through to all; and Gal 5: 9 people hindering your walk with Christ, spreads to many; and 2 Tim 2: 17 bad talk spreads. Behaviour, words, thoughts- it is rotten, and spreads and infects all. We are so conditioned now to “covid spreading” that we have taken our eyes of the rotten behaviour, anti-Christ, which also spreads. People who deal with issues in a worldly way and which that type of behaviour spreads. Anger, bitterness, spreads. Weak walk with God spreads. Just like a disease that spreads, so does bad Christianity spread. We must make sure, that we do not spread, false Christianity, bad Christianity, and weak Christianity. People who do not know better, assume it is “real” Christianity. They judge Christianity, via a person who calls themselves a “Christian”. And it is so sad, when that “Christian’s” walk is compared to a Christian’s walk, they are nowhere near the same. So, let us look at “spreading”. A real spreading. 2 Thess 3: 1; Acts 6: 7 the word of God should be spreading in this time. 2 Cor 2: 14 – through us, spreads the fragrance of Christ. That is what we should be spreading, the fragrance of Christ. This is either through a walk with Christ which is a living testimony to others, so that upon their death, they cannot say they were not given a good example. Your walk, may well be the fragrance that brings them to Christ. It is our responsibility, in all times, and even more so now, that we stand strong and tall, in our Christianity, that our trust and faith is in Christ and all can see that we are spreading the fragrance of Christ and Christianity to others, And, also at the same time, Ps 5: 11 the LORD spreads his protection over his people. Ezek 16: 8, God’s protection spreads over us, so verse 14 we can spread that to others. But, as always, the question is; do we? My encouragement to you is in this time of difficulty, more laws, more pressure, let us spread the aroma of a strong walk with Christ; no fear of what may happen physically. The words of Dan 3: 17-18 ring through all time and true in all times. If the LORD saves us, he will. If not, it’s ok; we will never deny Christ. This should be the attitude we arm ourselves with, all the time. Our testimony remains a fragrance to others, no matter the actual physical situation we are in. A bit of personal sharing to encourage you; whatever happens, it happens. What has covid done for me? It has made me building free. Covid has made me debt free. That is the LORD spreading his covering over me, as I spread his goodness to all I know. Be encouraged.

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28 Elul 5781

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