The end is always last. Yes, you say, I know that. The difficulty is the difference between knowing, and applying what we know. They are not the same. I think at some point in our lives, we can experience the behavior and or emotions of various Bible Characters. We can be so “hallelujah” “praise the Lord” all is super well. Then, all of a sudden, some bad news, bad circumstances send us to ‘Job-like’ words and emotions. Job 6:4 the arrows of the Almighty are in me, my spirit drinks in their poison. Or, Job 10: 17b your forces come against me, wave after wave. Job 10: 20- turn away from me, so I can have a moment’s joy? Do you understand that? Do you understand what it means…give me a moment’s joy? Few people’s lives are so miserable, that, even for a moment, a moment, just give a moment’s joy. These are not made up stories. This is a real man, with real problems, and he both knows and understands all his misery he has, comes from God. Read on, so many, Job 27: 2 it is the Almighty who has made me taste bitterness of soul. You see, you can only receive what God says you will receive John 3: 27 a man can only receive what God gives from heaven. And what does God give in Ps 73: 3-5- read it. So clearly, God gives some super great life. Others he gives misery upon misery. Hardship upon hardship. And of course, we must not forget, people do not understand that we can be miserable on the inside, but happy on the outside for the sake of others. Yes, hallelujah, ptl- can’t you give me a moment’s joy? Ah, we never know what is going on inside someone’s mind. So, advice? Keep going, till God gives you eternal rest. Encouraging? Don’t stop, push through, you can do it…they say. Ah…excuse me, but that doesn’t get rid of my misery now. Like, now. So, we look at the ending- Yes, I see- Job 42: 13. He was most active; I take it with Keturah. So, he did get another shot at it. Will you? Will your ending be like Job? All go? Or will your ending be a spiritual ending- Mth 25:21-23 . Or will your ending be a bit of Job 42: 13 and Mth 25: 21-23- like heaven on earth and heaven in heaven. Who knows? It may be one or the other? And yet somehow, God gives you the strength, for one more day. One more failure. One more disaster. One more victory, one more joy. As Riddick said- it’s an animal thing. As we say- it’s a Christian thing. We just can’t give up. We can’t.
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