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Time for.....

How many times have we heard Jn 3:16? John 14:15?

10 Words? Countless. How many times we not fear? Countless. How many  more times will we read/hear these verse? Countless. Why? Shouldn't we read/hear once? And that's enough? There is a time to.......Can you teach an old dog new tricks? No. Can a leopard change its spots? No. Trying to teach someone not to do what they have always done, sadly, is impossible.  What they do/ say, is who they are. If its a good part of character, fine. But if it's a problem,  not fine. On the other side, we have when we come to Christ,  the old has gone, the new has come. So why don't people throw away the wrong old ways? We are supposed to. So many times I tell people, look at what was not said. Read between the lines. If you read what was said, do you understand it? A time to talk. A time to keep silent.  Recently something happened.  Ssshhhh. OK. Secret. Well, so much for secret. Everyman and his dog knew. This one has a girlfriend.  That one has sex and a girlfriend.  This one is sick. Ssshhhh. Everyone knows. But what bothers me, is people who are supposed to inform me, don't.  They shockingly, don't. Makes me angry. But they love  to tell others. Gives them a sense of "power". They talk at the wrong time. To the wrong people. They talk, when they should keep quiet. They are quiet(to me) when they should talk. How many times have i told my leaders, you find out something of importance,  tell me. I had a staff meeting, and again had to say the same thing. Talk, to human resources re pay. Your Co teachers can do zero to help you. Zero. Zero. And what do they do? They talk to the wrong people, who can  do nothing to help. But they don't talk to the people who can help. Either side of the road, I am surrounded by people who talk at the wrong time. They are silent at the wrong time. You know what's sad? A leopard can't change its spots. But God can. Please, let God change you. Please.

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